Education news

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Here’s a brief roundup of some education news:

The results of Texas’ assessment ratings continue to be absorbed by local schools and districts. Some schools that were previously rated as exemplary, have now been reclassified, and not surprisingly, school officials are scrambling to figure out what areas of instruction need improving.

Klein ISD’s bond initiative passed last week, but the number of people who opposed the bond measure has surprised district officials. Officials say they would like to conduct a district-wide survey to see if they can determine why the opposition vote was higher than expected.

Spring ISD has earned a superior achievement rating in the the state’s financial accountability rating system, also called School First, for the second straight year. That sounds like good news!

And Tom Kirkendall has linked to Dallas blogger Virginia Postrel’s NY Times article on why Texas’ Robin Hood school finance system is broken and how it might be fixed.

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About Anne Linehan 2323 Articles
Anne Linehan is a co-founder of blogHOUSTON.