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The new 101

Modern rock station 101 KLOL has changed music formats. For this lifelong Houstonian, this is sad news indeed. This was one of the radio stations of my childhood.

I guess Houston needs another Latino radio station?

Popular morning show hosts Walton and Johnson had this to say on their website:

As of Friday morning 11/11/04 our current flagship station KLOL FM in Houston will become yet another spanish station for Houston and W&J have emphatically not been offered a Clear Channel alternative. You will no doubt hear or read corporate spin as to how the show just did not work out in Houston. Don’t you buy it. In the lastest morning ratings W&J were the top ranked (non-ethnic) morning show in Houston in our target 25-54 demographic. We had great trepidation early on about associating the show with CC Radio since they had a well documented history of hiring away successful shows that they could not beat in other markets and then icing them when they thought it safe to do so. But we accepted the risk because the lure of putting our beloved show on the air in our own hometown seemed to outweigh the risk of this type of competition elimination. In this case we think they were confounded by our success in spite of a complete lack of support in marketing, advertising, and PR by CC Radio for the Walton and Johnson Show. Since we have now built a large and loyal listener base that exceeded the performance of the base radio station on a regular basis we do not intend to throw it away and leave Houston. This is our home and we will not be disposed of so easily. Houston listeners keep checking this website and we will let you know where to find us.

We’ll post any updates if they happen.

(Update from Kevin) Well, the Walton and Johnson snippet above has now disappeared from their website. Maybe the Clear Channel suits suggested they take it down (we’ll email ‘W&J and ask what happened). Whatever the case, it was there earlier, and we cut and pasted it.

(11-13-2004 Update from Kevin) Walton and Johnson have posted the following on their website:

I know many of you are confused and looking for answers as to what’s going on with the W&J show right now. Don’t worry, plans are in the works and as soon as we have some news to give, you’ll get it here on first.

Check back for news updates, and a re-worked website in the coming weeks.

We’ll put any further useful updates up as a new entry, if relevant to Houston radio.

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