Dan Patrick interviewing Sen. Whitmire

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Dan Patrick (KSEV-700) is interviewing state Sen. John Whitmire right now. Since Patrick is in favor of the $AFEclear program and Whitmire has expressed his concern and has called for a moratorium, this might be worthwhile.

UPDATE: Well, that was pointless. Patrick wasn’t interested in any of Whitmire’s concerns and said (as he has been saying for days now) that old klunkers that might break down should not be on the freeways. Nor their drivers who don’t have a good supply of cash in their wallet. Whitmire tried to point out that other big cities use a program similar to Harris County’s MAP program. Patrick wasn’t interested in that idea. Patrick also tried to turn it into a property tax interview. I’m with Patrick on the property tax issue, but this interview wasn’t the time or place for that.

Patrick said that for Whitmire it’s all about money. But it appears that for Patrick it’s all about money: he thinks that people who don’t have money shouldn’t be on the roads, and the city needs money and this provides a revenue stream, better known as a new tax.

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About Anne Linehan 2323 Articles
Anne Linehan is a co-founder of blogHOUSTON.