Heavy trash zero-tolerance

Image credit: Pixabay

Mayor White’s heavy trash policy, where people who put it out too early get cited, has some residents complaining:

“I’ve lived here 39 years and in that time, I’ve set my heavy trash out twice, and I get a ticket,” he said.

He wasn’t alone. Several of the mostly senior residents at the recent Kashmere Gardens Super Neighborhood meeting expressed uncertainty about Houston’s new heavy trash schedule.

But confusion about their trash day — and how early they can place it in front of their residences — won’t keep them from being ticketed under Mayor Bill White’s zero-tolerance policy under which citations are liberally handed out to people who set tree limbs, tires, furniture and other big items early.


Ignorance of the schedule or absentmindedness will not prevent tickets ranging from $50 to $2,000 for schedule violators, he [Houston Police Officer Tony Emanuel] said.

I wonder how much money the city has collected so far?

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About Anne Linehan 2323 Articles
Anne Linehan is a co-founder of blogHOUSTON.