Filmed in Texas

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KPRC-2 posts an Associated Press report that the date for Rep. Tom DeLay to appear in court has been set for October 21. The story spends a fair amount of time profiling DeLay’s high-powered Houston attorney Dick Deguerin:

“I represented Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison 12 years ago, and to me this seems like what Yogi Berra said: ‘It’s deja vu all over again,’ ” DeGuerin said. “That was a political prosecution. This is a political prosecution.”

Earle indicted Hutchison in 1993 in an investigation into whether she misused state employees and equipment and destroyed state documents while serving as the Texas treasurer.

Hutchison was acquitted when Earle abruptly dropped the case in 1994. Earle said then that he gave up the case because the trial judge would not rule in advance whether prosecutors could use as evidence documents and other material obtained in a controversial raid on state treasury offices. Hutchison’s defenders said that his case failed because he didn’t have one.

DeGuerin is pushing for a speedy trial for DeLay, a Sugar Land Republican who has stepped aside as majority leader because of the indictment. DeGuerin said he wants a trial by the end of the year.

KTRK-13 posts another Associated Press story that reports on DeLay’s active defense of himself today.

Finally, NRO’s Byron York posts the news that Ronnie Earle is now a documentary film star. Orrin Judd’s reaction to that news is amusing.

Perhaps if the DeLay case craters on Earle like the Hutchison fiasco, he’ll at least have a jump start on an acting career.

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About Kevin Whited 4306 Articles
Kevin Whited is co-founder and publisher of blogHOUSTON. Follow him on twitter: @PubliusTX