Laurence Simon's new gig

Image credit: Pixabay

Laurence Simon is a part of the new Open Source Media web site, which is described in this AP story:

Some 70 Web journalists, including Instapundit’s Glenn Reynolds and David Corn, Washington editor of the Nation magazine, have agreed to participate in OSM — short for Open Source Media.

OSM will link to individual blog postings and highlight the best contributions, chosen by OSM editors, in a special section. Bloggers will be paid undisclosed sums based on traffic they generate.

The ad-supported OSM site will also carry news feeds from Newstex, which in turn receives stories from The Associated Press, Knight-Ridder/Tribune News Service and other traditional media organizations.

Cool! This will be interesting to follow. How does he do it all?

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About Anne Linehan 2323 Articles
Anne Linehan is a co-founder of blogHOUSTON.