A truly quotidian editorial on interest-group money and national politics

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On Friday, the Chronicle‘s Editorial LiveJournalists deemed “truly shocking” the interplay of interest-group money and politics on Capitol Hill, as related to the Abramoff scandal.

As Sedosi noted, their complaints are mostly true, but hardly groundbreaking (aside from that ‘purty word that Chief LiveJournalist Gibbons broke out).

What is annoying (perhaps even “truly shocking”) is that the same Editorial LiveJournalists who rant about the interplay of interest-group money and politics in Republican-controlled D.C. seem not at all concerned about the possibly illegal and certainly troubling interplay of (SEIU) interest-group money and politics that elected Democrat Sue Lovell to City Council right here in Houston.

One would think the Editorial LiveJournalists of the Chronicle might have some opinion on that local matter, given their general interest in the subject nationally, but apparently not.

PREVIOUSLY: SEIU wins over janitors, sets sights on city employees, Editorial LiveJournalists ignore alleged SEIU campaign finance irregularities, Campaign finance and double standards, Campaign finance and double standards – cont’d.

RELATED: The numbers game (Houblog.com).

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About Kevin Whited 4306 Articles
Kevin Whited is co-founder and publisher of blogHOUSTON. Follow him on twitter: @PubliusTX