I imagine everyone had their fill of the immigration issue last week, but in catching up on my reading I noticed this Chronicle headline:
Documented problem: Many businesses, fearing loss of workers and higher costs, oppose harsh reforms
Here is the story’s description of those “harsh” reforms:
The provision that’s drawing the greatest opposition from employers, workers and business organizations is one in the House bill that would increase the criminal penalties on employers who hire undocumented workers. Under current law, employers are subject to criminal prosecution if they knowingly hire 10 undocumented workers in a year’s time, according to Jacob Monty, an immigration lawyer in Houston who represents employers.
So, a mechanism designed to enforce existing immigration law is “harsh.”
It’s good to see professional journalists striving for balance and objectivity, rather than shading the coverage with adjectives that lead readers to conclusions.
Sarcasm aside, that choice of headline was poor, as Chronicle headline writing tends to be.