KHOU-11’s Doug Miller reports that on Thursday, a Council committee will take up discussion on a broader smoking ban.
Councilmember Carol Alvarado is quoted in the story. She favors a broader smoking ban.
Doctor-Councilwoman Shelley Sekula-Gibbs, who spearheaded the current ban despite early resistance from Mayor White, is not quoted in the story. She has long favored the broader ban on smoking.
Perhaps she was just too busy campaigning for Congress for Miller to find her for a quote. Surely he had a good reason for omitting her.
UPDATE (08-24-2006): KTRH-740 included a soundbite from Doctor-Councilwoman Sekula-Gibbs in its on-air reporting this morning. And the Chronicle‘s Alexis Grant managed to get a quote. Perhaps Doug Miller was on deadline, and didn’t have time to get a quote from the Councilmember who has pushed hardest to ban smoking in Houston.