Just wondering…

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If Houstonians could vote on a smoking ban, what would be the outcome?

If Houstonians could vote on red light cameras (or surveillance cameras), what would be the outcome?

If Houstonians could vote on giving millions of dollars to a local (liberal) group so it could build subsidized housing in one particular neighborhood, what would be the outcome?

If Houstonians could vote on a stadium for the Houston Dynamo, what would be the outcome? (Maybe the Dynamo can talk to Cy-Fair ISD.)

But Houstonians WILL get the opportunity to vote on Mayor White’s effort to nullify Prop. 2, so he can continue his free-spending ways. Funny how Mayor White got those before the voters.

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About Anne Linehan 2323 Articles
Anne Linehan is a co-founder of blogHOUSTON.