Houston mayor and state senator cut deal on The Woodlands

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Mayor White and State Senator Tommy Williams today announced a deal by which the city of Houston agrees not to annex The Woodlands, in exchange for a cool $45 million over the next 30 years.

KTRK-13’s Miya Shay reported the deal on her blog.

KHOU-11 followed up with this story.

And Matt Stiles filled in additional details in the Chronicle:

Voters in The Woodlands could decide as early as next year whether to take the first steps toward self-government, under a deal that also would remove the possibility of annexation by Houston, local officials announced today.

According to the agreement, the master-planned community also would enter into an economic partnership with the city to fund mutually beneficial regional projects totaling $45 million over time.

Mayor Bill White and state Sen. Tommy Williams, R-The Woodlands, heralded the deal as an example of cooperation between communities that depend on each other.


The deal would require enabling legislation, which Williams and state Rep. Rob Eissler, R-The Woodlands, pledged to get passed in the upcoming session.

Woodlands residents then could vote next year, most likely in November, on whether to expand an existing improvement district — which already collects a sales tax in parts of The Woodlands — as a first step toward possible incorporation.

That sounds like a real winner for Mayor White, who still gets some revenue and gets to avoid making a lot of people in The Woodlands mad as he gears up for a possible statewide political race.

It will be interesting to see what some of our Woodlands-area bloggers have to say about the deal.

BLOGVERSATION: Lone Star Times, Lose an Eye, It’s a Sport, Off the Kuff.

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About Kevin Whited 4306 Articles
Kevin Whited is co-founder and publisher of blogHOUSTON. Follow him on twitter: @PubliusTX