Painful shoe pun

Image credit: Pixabay

Temporarily-Not Mayor Pro Tem Carol Alvarado, who recently explained forgetting to plan a New Year’s celebration by saying the city was “event-ed out,” had this to say in response to Jordy Tollett’s deal to step aside as head of the Greater Houston Convention and Visitors Bureau (but remain as a well compensated consultant):

“The board is going to have a difficult time finding a replacement for Jordy. Whoever fills the position is going to have colorful shoes to fill,” said Councilwoman Carol Alvarado. “Jordy was the biggest promoter of our city, not because it was his job but because it was his home and he loved this city.”

That’s just a painful shoe pun.

Still, it’s entertaining (for bloggers, at least) now that she’s talking to reporters again instead of hiding behind her PR and legal teams.

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About Kevin Whited 4306 Articles
Kevin Whited is co-founder and publisher of blogHOUSTON. Follow him on twitter: @PubliusTX