The really stupid idea that just won't die

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The government’s propensity to encourage stupidity on a massive scale takes another step forward as Harris County allows the Astrodome Redevelopment Group to continue planning the Astrodome Luxury Hotel and Convention Center (via

During the next three months, Astrodome Redevelopment will try to clear another hurdle: convincing the Texans and the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo that they can coexist with a 1,200-room, four-star convention hotel.

The Dome would include a 2,100-space garage around part of the exterior, nightclubs, restaurants and retail stores. Astrodome Redevelopment officials envision the facility as a destination attraction, with winding waterways and gondola rides.

Winding waterways and gondola rides — awesome!

It’s unclear if the developers have any idea what it takes to become a “four-star hotel.” It ain’t easy. And the determination isn’t based on winding waterways and gondola rides.

The comments in the story are pretty entertaining. Last I checked, most of the commenters were skeptical of this boondoggle, but a few were waxing poetic about how terrific this would be for the Astrodome, and how small-minded naysayers are. Here’s a sampling:

If you build it, they will come. If this project is developed correctly, this will become a tremendous destination for outside tourists as well as Houstonians, and you all know this is true. Why should people go to Vegas for Gondola rides? Gondola rides in Vegas seem just as stupid to me as gondola rides in Houston, because I’ve been to Italy. People go to Vegas for Gondola rides, why not Houston’s Astrodome? If they go to the Nevada DESERT for gondola rides, why not the Gulf Coast?

Vegas or Houston? Houston or Vegas? Why would people want to go to Vegas when they could ride gondolas in Houston? I dunno.

This building is too good to destroy, and we will be idiots if we cannot use our vision and foresite to use this structure for economic means. If a person can’t begin to grasp how this structure can add value to our city, then that person should just move away. We should respect those who had the vision to build the Astrodome, and try to rise to their level. This building is not only worth keeping, this building is a huge landmark, and should be preserved in perpetuity. I guarantee that this structure will be a HUGE money maker after the investments have been made. You people have no vision for the future.

Good grief!

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About Anne Linehan 2323 Articles
Anne Linehan is a co-founder of blogHOUSTON.