The Chronicle has posted a story by political reporter Alan Bernstein that is a real head-shaker.
The quick synopsis is as follows: Following last November’s elections, KUHT general manager John Hesse put the weekly Gary Polland/David Jones local political show “Red, White and Blue” on hiatus. Hesse apparently hopes to change the focus of the show to put more emphasis on guests, and even considered dropping hosts Polland and Jones, according to Bernstein. Both Democratic and Republican pols have urged KUHT to retain the hosts and the format. And Hesse has finally said he hopes to bring the show back, although the details still have not been finalized.
How in the world have KUHT and UH managed to screw this up so badly?
Granted, Polland and Jones aren’t going to be winning any ratings wars. But their emphasis on local political issues and personalities is a great fit on noncommercial, public television (which isn’t capturing many time slots in Houston, we’d wager). They run a smart show with good guests. And as Bernstein reports, they have fans ranging from Rep. Ted Poe to Rep. Al Green, who likely don’t agree on many topics.
It’s astounding that KUHT’s general manager has let things degenerate to the point that it merits a story in the Chronicle and lobbying from Congresscritters. Just get the show back on the air already!