It’s time to clear the blog links and get ready for a new week. Enjoy!
- Have You Heard the One About the Baker Institute and the Oil Speculators? (Streetwise Professor)
- Is Houston Ready for an "Old" Mayor? (Slampo's Place)
- Endorsements in the Houston Mayoral Race: My Take on the Tally to Date (Prof13) Interesting post analyzing an important component of what is turning out to be one dull mayoral race.
- Contemplating women voters (Mayoral Musings with Nancy Sims
So, 89 years later, does the “women’s vote” matter? Many bloggers, analysts and media analyze voter groups, but no one has written about women.
Since I’m the primary female blogger covering the Houston Mayor’s race, I’ll rise to the challenge.
Contrast with Professor Murray’s post. In most cases, the best political blog posts tend to be about political matters, not the blogger (handy advice for Lisa Falkenberg, too).
- John Sharp invades Bill White's hometown for TV time in Senate race (Texas Politics) We’re very sad that Senate candidate White’s campaign staff hasn’t been updating his travelblog very diligently. We enjoy knowing where our mayor is.
- The Judges' Club (Life at the Harris County Criminal Justice Center)
- Want Revenge? Gain? Attention? Be a Witness! (Defending People)
- A real head scratcher (Houston's Clear Thinkers)
- Congratulations to Carolyn Mungo! (Isiah Carey's Insite)
- Is Roy Oswalt trying to talk his way out of Houston? (King Solomon's Mind)
- Round Rock (This Blog Is Full Of Crap)
- Drayton Promises Evaluation, I Clap With One Hand (The ClownVision Chronicles)
- The Doucheification of Washington Avenue Soon Complete (So Much for the Monastery)
- Who are these douchebags of which you speak? (Lose an Eye, it's a Sport)