On Friday, various news outlets reported on the release of the 2010 Census info, which documents the area’s significant population growth.
There’s so much information to wade through that we’d like to hear reader thoughts on what you’ve seen so far.
A couple of tidbits caught our eye. First, Cory Crow tweeted an interesting observation about population changes inside the loop as depicted by the graphic that ran with the Houston Chronicle story (apparently, that graphic had errors, but a new graphic was posted here).
Second, we were somewhat amused by this tidbit related to Houston:
The city charter requires that two more single member districts be created when the city’s population hits 2.1 million. The figures are in, and the 2010 Census pegs us at…2,099,451.
Short by 549. But fear not.
“I am quite surprised by the numbers because all indications were that we had already reached a population of 2.1 million residents,” Mayor Annise Parker said.
We always suspected that the last administration manipulated their population estimates upwards slightly to make per-capita crime statistics look a little better, so we were not “quite surprised” by these official census numbers. As Mayor Parker indicates, however, the process to add council districts, already underway, will continue.