In a column two weeks ago, the Chron/Hearst Austin bureau weighed in on the important state news of an angry lefty blogger taking away Aaron Pena’s tilde (there’s a related correction this week) and liberal posts an interesting story by Chris Moran that first appeared in Sunday print editions of the newspaper. Here’s a brief excerpt: The Metropolitan Transit Authority, struggling to build light rail lines through Houston’s urban
Two days into 2011, and just in case you’ve forgotten where they stand, the Chron editorial board reiterates Mrs. Jeff Cohen’s its views on the death penalty: The death penalty :It’s time for capital punishment
There’s been another city sewage treatment plant failure: The collection system at the 69th Street wastewater treatment plant failed at about 5 p.m., said Alvin Wright, a spokesman with the city’s Public Works Department. More
We were excited to see the city is no longer “event-ed out” and able to put on a New Year’s Eve party this year: Gloworama! Yes, Gloworama. It’s a dorky name, but who could resist