Weekend brunch for 5 January 2020

News and views from around the web

Image credit: Gerhard Gellinger/Pixabay

[WB1] The city’s new elected officials were inaugurated on Thursday. As Houston faces peak oil demand, flooding, continuing pension difficulties, and a host of other challenges, Mayor Turner asked local businesses to dig deeper to help him reduce homelessness and boost other services.

[WB2] Gary Polland, who separated a rich eccentric from nearly $100,000 of his money as part of a failed political campaign, tries to explain that the beatdown really wasn’t a beatdown.

[WB3] A Houston woman was apparently killed by a stray bullet as she was discharging fireworks while celebrating the New Year in north Harris County. In many parts of Houston, the city sounded like a war zone as idiots fired their weapons into the air (on both Christmas Eve and New Years Eve). In many parts of Houston, residents also fired off illegal fireworks (prompting these thoughts from Neal Meyer). Less of both would be a big improvement.

[WB4] Imagine being so hyperpartisan that your first thought/tweet at the start of a new year is about… hyperpartisanship. Sad.

[WB5] Michael Skelly really doesn’t like your cars, Houstonians, and wishes the area transit authority would ram his vision of how Houston should be right down your throats. (Remind us again – who elects the METRO board? Oh, right)

[WB6] Bob Rehak calls out Perry Homes for abandoning a project – and a popular trail the developer tore up in the Kingwood area as part of the project.

[WB7] Even the Chron’s Austin guy can see that the Houston Way may not be the best approach to the city’s flooding/drainage issues. But there are no signs the Houston Way is going anywhere.

[WB8] As it turned out, Julian Castro was not a serious presidential candidate.

[WB9] Congrats to the Houston Texans for advancing in the NFL playoffs, despite the inadequacies of their head coach. Next stop: Kansas City!

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About Kevin Whited 4306 Articles
Kevin Whited is co-founder and publisher of blogHOUSTON. Follow him on twitter: @PubliusTX