Hines is generally wrong on abortion

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Cragg Hines does some more post-election analysis in today’s Chronicle. Mostly it is his usual stuff, but this should be addressed:

“On these values issues, Bush faces a dilemma now,” Shrum argued at a breakfast Monday, also sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor. “He’s going to soon, I think, have the opportunity or peril, in terms of Supreme Court appointments, for example, of satisfying constituencies he’s been speaking to in a targeted way and who turned out for him, who happen to disagree with the majority of the country on some of these issues. To actually perform on some of these issues will create great difficulties for him.”

Shrum spoke specifically of abortion rights, which generally are still favored by a majority of Americans.

That’s not exactly right. Most Americans, when asked abortion questions in a detailed way, favor more restrictions on abortion, unless the health of the mother is in jeopardy, or the pregnancy is caused by rape or incest. Ninety percent of abortions are done for “social” reasons; Americans are increasingly aware of this and a majority are in favor of making abortion-on-demand not the norm.

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Anne Linehan is a co-founder of blogHOUSTON.