A group of Chronicle columnists seem to be fixated with the memory of President Lyndon B. Johnson. In his column today on election challenges, Rick Casey goes back to 1948, in a section subtitled “The Ghost of LBJ”:
In 1948, when Lyndon Johnson trailed Gov. Coke Stevenson in the race for the U.S. Senate by a tiny margin, LBJ phoned George Parr, the “Duke of Duval.”
Parr saw to it that Ballot Box 13 came in late and that it added 203 votes for Johnson, enough to give him an 87-vote margin of victory and the nickname “Landslide Lyndon.”
Almost two weeks ago, Clay Robison gave President Bush some, no doubt, heartfelt advice about avoiding an LBJ-like quagmire in Iraq, “Here’s hoping that Bush won’t wear LBJ-style scar: Clay Robison writes that President Bush doesn’t want to fall into the type of quagmire that scarred Lyndon B. Johnson.“
And back in September, Cragg Hines wrote a column about President Bush’s determination in Iraq, titled “As Iraq fighting goes on, is W to be LBJ’s stepson?“
There seems to be a theme here for these three liberal columnists who probably came of age during the Vietnam era. Dan Rather may be chit-chatting with the ghost of Edward R. Murrow, but the Chronicle‘s Big Three are hanging on to LBJ.