Continuing $AFEclear absurdity

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The Chronicle has a story this morning highlighting Mayor White’s new idea of free towing for those who find $75 a hardship. This ought to be fun. Will the basic tow price now have to go up to pay for the free tows? How is hardship going to be determined by the side of the road? Will we all have to carry a W-2 with us? Or can the tow truck driver just make a determination based on the look of our car? If it’s a klunker or a funky car, free tow! If it’s a Lincoln Navigator, pay up! What a disaster this is.

Here’s a helpful hint to Mayor White and other $AFEclear supporters: fund an expanded MAP program. Sen. Whitmire pointed out, in his confrontation with Dan Patrick yesterday, that Chicago and L.A. have programs similar to MAP and those cities use federal grant money to fund it. He said Houston received the same grant money and used it for something different.

That figures.

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About Anne Linehan 2323 Articles
Anne Linehan is a co-founder of blogHOUSTON.