We probably need a task force, right?

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We certainly can’t call Mayor White “Hop on a Flight White,” because he is firmly planted in Houston, taking on yet another project to better the lives of city residents — and I am not talking about his drive to get Houstonians in better physical shape. No, I’m talking about his “Flex Plan”:

Could flexible working hours at your job ease the traffic nightmare?

According to the Texas A&M Transportation Institute, Houston is fourth in the nation for the longest delays per person spent in traffic.

Mayor White has long said he wants to get the city moving again and one idea, known as the Flex Plan, may add some muscle to that goal.


“The reality is we want to continue to grow as a city. We aren’t going to be able to widen and double the size of every major street and thoroughfare in town, so we have to manage the traffic on the existing streets and freeways better,” says Mayor White.

The mayor will not talk specifics about how he plans to do that, but says he plans to meet with the major corporations and talk about a flexible work schedule.

Uh oh. If recent events ($AFEclear) are any indicator, we’d like to see some specifics.

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About Anne Linehan 2323 Articles
Anne Linehan is a co-founder of blogHOUSTON.