Chron pounds DeLay, commissions polls to "find" declining support

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The Chronicle is, no doubt, ecstatic over its latest poll on House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R).

Admittedly, the numbers aren’t as strong as one might expect.

However, I have a slightly different take on them.

For quite some time — but certainly in the last year — the House Majority Leader has taken the best shot of pretty much any lefty or lefty sympathizer one wants to name: the Chronicle, Chris “Mandate” Bell, Richard Morrison, various interest groups, various bloggers who beg for money for volunteer blockwalking, you get the idea.

Still, even during a period when the Majority Leader once again showed his usual legislative skill in moving Schiavo legislation consistent with his pro-life principles through the House, a move the Zogby poll showed to be unpopular, his numbers certainly aren’t all that bad.

And nationally, the Majority Leader still is not well known — he’s hardly the albatross for the Republican party some opponents like to make him out to be.

If anything, the fact the Majority Leader’s numbers haven’t deteriorated any more than they have provides further anecdotal evidence of the decline of the Chronicle‘s influence and reach.

UPDATE (04-04-2005): Chris Elam shares his thoughts. And Laurence Simon shares his thoughts.

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About Kevin Whited 4306 Articles
Kevin Whited is co-founder and publisher of blogHOUSTON. Follow him on twitter: @PubliusTX