Chronicle: U.S. should emulate Iran

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Bizarre is the best word to describe this Chronicle editorial that urges the U.S. to be more forward-thinking like the progressive country of Iran, which is now allowing women “reproductive freedom”:

Some autonomy for half Iran’s population is essential for a functional society. A woman’s power over her reproductive system has been proved to be inextricably linked to her country’s economic health.


Judging from the few English-language press accounts, the Iranian Parliament’s decision was strikingly rational in another way. The lawmakers avoided psuedoscience and political pandering and focused on the law and the rights of the disabled.

According to Reuters, “Opponents of the bill argued many disabled people had played important roles in society and that the legislation was open to abuse. Proponents of the law underlined the financial drain of handicapped children on families.”


Abortion is a serious matter, worthy of mature debate and responsibly crafted law. How ironic that Iran is moving forward toward this goal, while the United States is sliding backward.

That is breathtaking. Literally. And since our progressive judiciary just allowed a disabled person to be dehydrated to death, it’s unclear why the Chronicle thinks the U.S. is sliding backward.

We suppose we should be impressed that editorial board member Andrea Georgsson has moved on to more substantive topics than her neighbors refusing her leftovers, except for the disturbing conclusion that she’s more concerned about food going to waste than she is about killing innocent babies!

And Orrin Judd observes that Iran and the U.S. are actually “moving towards identical goals.”

RELATED: More progressive nations to emulate? North Korea and China

KEVIN WHITED ADDS: Here’s the stunner for me from that editorial:

A woman’s power over her reproductive system has been proved to be inextricably linked to her country’s economic health.

Does Georgsson (the Chronicle editorial board’s most outspoken abortion advocate, and the person we assume wrote this editorial) really mean to suggest that a nation’s economic health depends upon the extent to which the state promotes abortion?

I’m a careful reader, and that’s how I read it. Mouth stayed agape for a while.

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About Anne Linehan 2323 Articles
Anne Linehan is a co-founder of blogHOUSTON.