I recently posted about Cragg Hines buying into that most-likely-fake “GOP talking points memo” that ABC News and the Washington Post were crowing about, regarding Congress’s Terri Schiavo legislation. (As an aside, I have written to Hines twice asking him if he will clarify that the provenance of the memo is highly suspect. He has not responded to either email. We’re all surprised, right?)
It wasn’t just Hines who fell for the memo; so did the Chronicle‘s Gebe Martinez:
Republican leaders denounced an unsigned GOP strategy memo that outlined how the Schiavo issue could play well with the religious conservative voting base in the 2006 congressional elections.
ABC News and the Washington Post are both backtracking from the assertion that it was a GOP-generated memo, and in fact, the Power Line blog has done enough work to suggest that, in fact, the memo may have been put together by Democratic supporters.