LULAC is getting some media attention this morning with its claims that the City of Houston discriminates against Hispanic employees:
“LULAC has received numerous complaints of discrimination against Hispanics who have been subjected to a hostile working environment,” Johnny Mata, District VIII spokesman for the League of United Latin American Citizens, said Thursday.
The complaint, which was also sent to the U.S. Department of Transportation and distributed to the media on Thursday, details numerous incidents of alleged mistreatment of Latino city employees. These include allegations of ethnic and sexual harassment and discriminatory hiring, firing and promotions.
However, the city says LULAC wouldn’t let it see the complaint:
Frank Michel, Mayor Bill White’s spokesman, said LULAC leaders would not release a copy of the complaint to the city legal department…
LULAC officials have advised City Attorney Arturo Michel they were not yet authorized to release a copy of their complaint to us…
LULAC releases its complaint to the media, but not to the city? Why? Maybe LULAC didn’t want the city to have a response for the morning news cycle. And since the Friday afternoon news cycle is the beginning of the weekend news tune-out, LULAC gets to have its talking points in the public’s mind all weekend, without a city response.