Chron editorialists discover Brown Administration "rotten dealings"

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The Chronicle editorial board weighs in with a shocker today: things were really bad during Lee Brown’s administration!

Of course, the Chronicle editorialists did not feel that way during the Brown experience, instead preferring to make excuses for the bumbling mayor as they endorsed him over and over.

Note to editorialists: Your support of the man for six years didn’t exactly hold his administration to account, but that’s over and done with. You can make amends by focusing attention on the city’s current problems, such as: the unfunded municipal employees pension fund liability that Brown bequeathed to Mayor White and that still has not been solved, the HPD manpower shortage that Mayor White and his council haven’t done enough to correct, the bait-and-switch tactics of METRO with regard to the METRO Solutions plan, and the growing MS-13 gang problem (for starters).

Readers should feel free to add their own suggestions for the editorial board in the comments.

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About Kevin Whited 4306 Articles
Kevin Whited is co-founder and publisher of blogHOUSTON. Follow him on twitter: @PubliusTX