Earlier this year, the Chronicle editorial board advocated a state law that would create new privileges for professional journalists. The legislation died. Undeterred, the Chronicle editorial board today advocates a national law that would create
So let me see if I have this straight: the people who thought they were getting light rail aren’t getting it, and they are not happy about it; and the people who weren’t getting light
Michael Bromwich, the independent investigator charged with analyzing problems at the HPD crime lab and property room, issued a damning final report (pdf) of Phase I of his investigation today. The report is highly critical
How does Mayor White do it? He just got finished dreaming up a new $2 billion expansion plan for Metro and today we learn that he’s been busy working on getting a Major League Soccer
HISD had an action-packed board meeting today, with the most surprising development being the reinstating of the Key Middle School principal who had been demoted after an HISD investigation determined TAKS cheating took place at
KTRK-13’s Michael McGuff has posted a good article on local blogging to the station’s website. The article features quotes and such from Charles Kuffner, Anne Linehan, and me. The Armadillo Palace gathering to which McGuff
The Houston Business Journal reports that the University of Houston’s Institute for Energy, Law and Enterprise — frequently referred to simply as the Energy Institute — has left the energy capital of the world and
Rich Connelly writes the following in the latest issue of the Houston Press: Metro has famously made some “adjustments” to the $2 billion transportation plan approved by voters in 2003. Basically, areas of town represented
It’s a sad day. (Don’t miss the comments and trackbacks, but be sure you have a box of Kleenex next to you.) She was a much beloved kitty and Laurence was very generous in sharing
The Chronicle editorial board weighs in with a shocker today: things were really bad during Lee Brown’s administration! Of course, the Chronicle editorialists did not feel that way during the Brown experience, instead preferring to