Chron to imitate Houston Press "Best Of" issue (badly)

Image credit: Pixabay

The crew at the Lone Star Times calls attention to the fact that nominations have been posted to the Chronicle‘s effort to imitate the Houston Press‘s “Best Of” issue. They also are upset that your friendly bloggers here were not nominated.

We’re surprised that none of our many visitors with IP addresses saw fit to nominate us. *sniff* *sniff* I’m sure we’ll live,though. No hard feelings, Chron guys and gals — you’re welcome to keep reading us even if acknowledging us is just too hard for some of your coworkers. Baby steps.

What is odd is that was nominated. It’s a big website, but a website is not a blog. It doesn’t even claim to be a blog:

Conceived as a hobby site, collectSPACE has since grown to become the leading resource and community website for space history enthusiasts and space artifact collectors through the provision of original news reporting, collecting guides, and as a virtual meeting place for a truly global audience.

The term “blog” is not to be found on that page. But apparently somebody at the Chronicle wanted to boost Pearlman’s “website.”

Another amusing category is Newspaper Columnist, which includes…. only Chronicle columnists. It’s a one-newspaper town, right? Well, except for community newspapers. And the Spanish language newspapers that serve Houston’s large Hispanic community. Apparently, those don’t count at Jeff Cohen’s newspaper.

The Houston Press‘s annual “Best Of” lists are always kind of fun. In contrast, the Chronicle probably ought to abort their bad imitation. Maybe Andrea Georgsson could give them a hand with that!

UPDATE: The Greek Restaurant category is also screwed up. Conspicuously absent is my vote for the best Greek restaurant in town, Alexander the Great Greek (go for the mousaka if in doubt). Included for no apparent reason is Fadi’s Mediterranean Grill. Fadi’s may be good, but Mediterannean food and Greek food are not the same, and one typically does not find tabuli or Lebanese salad at authentic Greek restaurants.

UPDATE 2: While we are on the topic of categories that are screwed up, here’s another real laugher: The top rated local talk-radio host, Chris Baker, isn’t listed as a nominee for Top Radio Personality. He does list blogHOUSTON on his website, so maybe that’s his fatal flaw.

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About Kevin Whited 4306 Articles
Kevin Whited is co-founder and publisher of blogHOUSTON. Follow him on twitter: @PubliusTX