Chron D.C. bureau: More olds you need to know

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Sedosi Alhambra sounds a familiar refrain in response to today’s “olds” from Bennett Roth of the Chronicle‘s lackluster D.C. bureau.

Alhambra does, however, call attention to this amusing paragraph in the Roth reporting:

Deriding the project as a “bridge to nowhere,” critics charge that it is one the most egregious examples of “pork barrel” spending that members of Congress stuffed into the $286.4 billion highway bill, the same law funding the Metro’s light rail/bus system in Houston.

A transportation bill laden with egregious pork-barrel spending that also funds METRO’s light-rail boondoggle?

Do you think there’s a connection?

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About Kevin Whited 4306 Articles
Kevin Whited is co-founder and publisher of blogHOUSTON. Follow him on twitter: @PubliusTX