Guns, Guns, Oh My (Cont'd)

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It certainly took the Chronicle editorial board a long time to react to Rep. John Culberson’s border-control proposal, especially given the predictability of the reaction:

The answer to understaffed federal security agencies, including the Border Patrol, lies in allocating federal money to hire more professionals. The answer to our nation’s immigration problems is not nearly so plain. Only one thing is certain: It does not involve civilians with guns.

As Sedosi Alhambra explains, the entire editorial basically boils down to the editorialists distrusting civilians (me and you) with guns, leading the editorial idealists (seemingly) to mischaracterize Culberson’s program, which would create regulated militias. Whether one thinks that’s a good idea or not, the debate over the issue is somewhat more complicated than the Chronicle‘s “gun guns, oh my!” formulation.

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About Kevin Whited 4306 Articles
Kevin Whited is co-founder and publisher of blogHOUSTON. Follow him on twitter: @PubliusTX