Mayor White is soooo jealous

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HISD has attained something the city of Houston hasn’t:

Moody’s Investors Service raised the bond rating of the Houston Independent School District for the first time in nearly two decades — a move that administrators say should save taxpayers money and show voters that the district is in good financial health.

HISD’s rating was increased earlier this month from “Aa3” to “Aa2,” the third-highest of Moody’s 21 ratings.


Moody’s reviewed the ratings for the district’s sale this week of $21 million in contractual obligations for school buses and computer equipment. HISD also expects to sell $108.6 million in voter-approved construction bonds next week. The district’s rating from Standard & Poor’s remains a “AA,” or “very strong.”

You’ll recall that Fitch lowered the city of Houston’s bond rating last March, and then declined to raise it just last month.

RELATED: Bond rating definitions

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About Anne Linehan 2323 Articles
Anne Linehan is a co-founder of blogHOUSTON.