One of the more amusing things about living in Houston is watching the local newscasts as the first freeze of the year approaches.
The 10 pm broadcasts tonight are all over the story.
It may even get below 30 degrees in some areas!
We are a funny city sometimes.
ANNE ADDS: Last year we spent our first winter in Houston, and I can remember the first time temps flirted with the freezing mark. The local news media went wild! “Protect your pipes!” “Make preparations!” “Bring animals inside!” I was almost panic-stricken…and we had just moved here from Northern Virginia, where we had REAL winters! I asked Kevin if I needed to do something about my house’s pipes (I was thinking that Houston homes must be built so that pipes couldn’t withstand freezing temps) and Kevin laughed and assured me that local media gets very excited if the magic number of 32 is within sight.
This year I am laughing along with Kevin, especially at this breaking news story from KHOU-11: Lower heat setting could save on gas bill.
Who knew?