Councilmember Michael Berry emails that he will be subbing for Sam Malone on KTRH-740 again on Wednesday (10 am to Noon).
The topic will be the MTA strike in New York. Berry says he wants to explore two main points:
- This is evidence of the bad side of unions. This shows why we should be concerned with recent SEIU unionization of janitors in our city, and their recently publicized (potentially illegal) campaign to influence city council races. They succeeded, with over $100,000 toward a council race. The Economist magazine in their Dec 10-16 issue make the point that this is the biggest union gain in the South in perhaps 3 decades.
- This is a good indicator of why reliance on public transportation should be reconsidered. If the bus drivers in Houston strike, they can’t cripple our economy. We’re a self-reliant lot, and fiercely individualistic. The collectivist world of public transportation for an entire city took a blow when the strike took effect.
Berry encourages folks to email him (iam -at- with their thoughts, or to call in tomorrow.
UPDATE (12-21-2005): Councilmember Berry has led off the show with a discussion of science and faith. Maybe the other topic comes later? Beats me.