Looking for her best life now

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KTRK-13 reports on a little something that happened when the Osteen family was heading off on vacation:

Taking time off from the high profile hustle and bustle of running a mega-church, Lakewood Church Pastor Joel Osteen and his family boarded Continental flight 1602 Monday morning at Houston’s big airport. They were bound for the slopes in Colorado.

Their trip was delayed and so was the entire flight by almost two hours. Fellow passengers blame the popular Osteens, specifically Joel’s wife, Victoria.

According to passenger accounts, the Osteens were sitting in first class. Soon after the plane’s door was closed, the FBI says Victoria Osteen was removed following what Continental would call only a disturbance. The Osteens’ spokesman confirms it involved a flight attendant, but that’s all. However, one passenger tells Eyewitness News she was alerted to the front of the plane when she heard a commotion.

“She violently ran towards the cockpit, scaring everyone around her,” said passenger Knicky Van Slyke. “Everyone was terrified about what was going on. And a bunch of flight attendants ran up and had to restrain her. She was banging on the door.”

“Of the cockpit?” we asked.


Passengers say Victoria was removed first. Joel and the children followed. Meantime, everyone waited.

“They unloaded all the luggage to get their luggage and deplaned her, Joel, and the kids,” said passenger Dawn Dixon.


The Osteens’ spokesman says they took another flight to Colorado Monday.

Being Lakewood Church’s pastor’s wife has got to be unbelievably stressful. Here’s hoping the Osteen family has a restful vacation and that all the inconvenienced passengers made it to their final destinations without any further delays.

ADDED: As you might expect, Laurence Simon has his own take. =)

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About Anne Linehan 2323 Articles
Anne Linehan is a co-founder of blogHOUSTON.