Local online news developments of note

Image credit: Pixabay

Yesterday marked the return of Chron.com NewsMail, a daily email digest of the top stories by section on Chron.com.

The last such email that I got was on December 28, 2005. When I contacted Chron.com’s Dean Betz to ask what was up, he explained to me that the service would be down for about a month as they reworked it. His estimate was right on the mark, as the NewsMail appears to be working once again.

I’ve since become much more reliant on Bloglines for tracking Chron.com stories, but unfortunately there are no RSS feeds for the Opinion page or for the Columnists page (most columnists are not included in the individual section RSS feeds, although I did notice Dwight Silverman’s column recently popped up in the Business RSS feed — one of the benefits of being a Chron.com online honcho, I guess!), so the Chron.com NewsMail still serves a purpose.

Also, I’ve been remiss in noting that several local Clear Channel radio sites have undergone a redesign. They certainly look better, but the more important improvement is that local news postings have their own page, and are now individually linkable. The offerings are still kind of sparse compared to what the KTRH-740 news operation is able to offer news listeners, but this is a nice step in leveraging the web side. Now if they’d just add blogs for some of the local talkers (Michael Berry? Chris Baker?), in addition to more news and RSS feeds…

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About Kevin Whited 4306 Articles
Kevin Whited is co-founder and publisher of blogHOUSTON. Follow him on twitter: @PubliusTX