Parents support protesting students (updated)

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Students protested again today, although in smaller numbers:

More than 50 students from Marshall Middle School did not immediately show up for class Wednesday morning. Instead they showed up the reflection pond by City Hall. The protest was not as large Tuesday’s protest at City Hall and ended before 11 a.m.


The students ended their protest by wading in the reflection pond before getting on two Houston Independent School District buses to go back to class.

Sylvia Lopez, the mother of one of the students who protested, said she was not upset that her daughter missed her first classes.

“I am proud of my daughter because she is here. That means she cares about what is going on. I don’t have to explain it to her. I don’t have to tell her what’s going on

About Anne Linehan 2323 Articles
Anne Linehan is a co-founder of blogHOUSTON.