It’s that time of year: Local media gone wild because a cold front is blowing through today with the promise of freezing temps tonight. We find local news highly entertaining when this happens (like the KHOU-11 reporter standing somewhere on SH-249 this morning, waiting for the wind to change), and it’s especially amusing to hear endless warnings to protect your pipes.
Here’s the Chronicle:
And with temperatures today and this weekend expected to dip into near freezing numbers, talk turns to protecting the plants, pipes and, of course, people.
Plants, pipes and people? What about our little four-legged friends? Pets begins with a “p”!
Here’s KPRC-2:
Tips To Prevent Frozen Pipes
Frozen pipes can be a household nightmare. A few inexpensive items and a few preventive steps can help you avoid the problem.
Follow the link for instructions on how to waste spend an afternoon. And here’s KHOU-11’s cold weather page with a link to pipe preps.
Anyway, hang in there folks. Temperatures are supposed to be more pipe-friendly next week.
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