Janitors, Chevron, and the Greater Houston Partnership

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SEIU isn’t giving up on the janitor’s strike; in fact, SEIU is determined to be successful in Houston so it can gain “a foothold into the south.”

To that end, union organizers and janitors protested yesterday at the Chevron building, handcuffing themselves to the front door:

The SEIU focused on Chevron because it’s a market leader in Houston, said SEIU spokeswoman Lynda Tran.

“If they were to instruct their contractors to pay higher wages and benefits, it would go a long way toward moving the business community here to follow suit,” she said.

Why yes, Chevron IS a market leader in Houston. In fact, Chevron just won a “Houston’s Greatest” award from the Greater Houston Partnership.

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About Anne Linehan 2323 Articles
Anne Linehan is a co-founder of blogHOUSTON.