Various media outlets are reporting that a man was shot to death on a METRO bus earlier today.
Here are some key excerpts from Kevin Moran’s reporting on Chron.com:
A man was shot to death today on a Metropolitan Transit Authority bus in west Houston after he apparently got into an argument with a man he may have touched or bumped while trying to get off the bus.
The alleged gunman was in custody and a passenger was taken to a hospital complaining of chest pains after the incident, which occurred about 11:30 a.m. on the 82 Westheimer route on Westheimer between Wilcrest and Kirkwood, said Metro spokeswoman Rosio Torres.
Authorities estimate some 30 people were on the bus. “This is a rare occurrence,” said Metro Police Chief Tom Lambert. He noted that Metro carries 330,000 passengers daily on 1,300 buses.
Homicide detectives arrived at the scene shortly after 1:30 p.m. Some witnesses were taken in a separate bus to give statements to police.
Observation #1: METRO spokesperson Raequel Roberts should never, ever let Chief Lambert speak to the press without supervision. The implication that METRO carries a lot of passengers daily without many deaths probably isn’t very reassuring to the family of the man who was killed, to riders on the bus, or to anyone really.
Observation #2: Homicide detectives arrived two hours after the shooting? That isn’t very reassuring either.
On the topic of murder and mayhem, KTRH-740 just noted that this murder was Houston’s eleventh since Friday. The Mayor’s PR operation is really going to be earning its keep if it figures out a way to spin this one. Or maybe they’ve figured out there is no good way to spin it, and that’s why we keep hearing comments instead from Councilmember Adrian Garcia.
BLOGVERSATION: Lone Star Times, On Message, The American Thinker.
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