Yesterday a rather large photo of a cat standing on his hind legs and pawing at the air appeared next to a headline with poorly-spelled words on the front page of the Chron’s business section. I tend to gravitate toward animal photos but a headline reading “I’M IN UR NEWSPAPER WRITIN MAH COLUM” is a guaranteed stopper. As I read Dwight Silverman’s piece about the latest cat photo fad called LOLcats (Silverman’s prime example is I Can Has Cheezburger? ), I thought the article had more of a lifestyle approach with its pop culture slant. It’s a fairly long article, but if you’re a cat-lover (or cat-hater), have some time, and appreciate the style of humor found in the Bad Cat and Bad Dog books you’ll enjoy the info and the many links Silverman provided.
The end of the article may leave readers who blog with a bit of blogger-envy. The Cheezburger site opened for business in January and now “gets between 350,000 and 500,000 page views a day” and submissions of “300-500 LOLcat images a day.” Now that’s growth. How you’d translate this ability to generate a “subculture, complete with its own conventions and subgenres” into a viable business model is an unanswered question. Maybe blogHOUSTON should start up a companion site called Houston Cats on Holiday or maybe Cats on Holiday–Houston. In the meantime, I’m left realizing that I now not only have to figure out all this texting language but also something known as “kitty pidgin.”
KEVIN WHITED ADDS: Laurence Simon’s take resonated with me. 🙂
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