Recognition for the Chronicle

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We all know the mainstream media hold themselves in very high regard. Why, these are professional journalists! These people went to journalism school, you know! Well, the American Thinker blog has put together a list of “professional” media oopses:

Offenses include lying and fabricating, doctoring photos, plagiarism, conflicts of interest, falling for hoaxes, and overt bias. Some are hilarious, such as an action figure doll being mistaken for a real soldier. Some are silly, such as reporting on a baseball game watched on TV. Some are more serious

Check out number 44:

Houston Chronicle, Light Rail Controversy (2002). Admitted bias. An internal memo outlined how the paper would promote the light rail project in Houston and do research into Tom Delay and other light rail opponents. That would be creating the news rather than reporting it.

Hugh Hewitt calls the list the “MSM Hall of Shame.” It’s always nice when the Chron is recognized for its work.

PREVIOUSLY: Houston Chronicle “Rail Memo” Mirror

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About Anne Linehan 2323 Articles
Anne Linehan is a co-founder of blogHOUSTON.