Klein ISD bond proponents getting ruffled

Image credit: Pixabay

Anyone who drives around the Klein ISD area has seen the big VOTE YES signs all over the place. Well, the VOTE NO side invested in some signs as well (not nearly as many of course, but a few), and we have put a few up.

Today I noticed that my VOTE NO sign had disappeared. Gone!

I emailed my friend Connie O’Donnell to tell her, and she replied that she caught some people as they were trying to take her VOTE NO sign out of her front yard late this afternoon! They drove off when she opened her front door to see what was going on.

Good grief! There are very few VOTE NO signs in comparison to the VOTE YES signs. What can proponents possibly be worried about?

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About Anne Linehan 2323 Articles
Anne Linehan is a co-founder of blogHOUSTON.