Journalist Trent Seibert passes along word today that his new watchdog/news group Texas Watchdog is now up and running. Seibert is joined initially by former Dallas Observer staffer Matt Pulle.
Texas Watchdog describes itself as “a news Web site and training center that scrutinizes the actions of government agencies, bureaucracies and politicians in Texas. It is an independent, nonpartisan entity founded on the belief that our American democracy depends on transparency in government.”
Today’s launch includes two stories with a state focus (examining Texas political money-men Fred Baron and Stephen Payne).
Seibert says that the Houston-based group will cover some state issues, but will also hit local issues. He adds that in addition to breaking news, the group hopes to provide training for citizen-journalists interested in watchdog journalism and government transparency/accountability, and will even offer some fellowships.
Here is a blog post from Nashville’s Post Politics blog that offers some background on Seibert and the Texas Watchdog effort (Seibert hails most recently from Nashville).
We’re looking forward to what a couple of dedicated watchdog journalists can turn up in an area where so much print “coverage” of municipal/county affairs (not to mention METRO) amounts to uncritical cheerleading. Just a friendly hint, though — we’d like to see a blog and some RSS feeds eventually!