Maybe topiary turtles would have been a better choice

Image credit: Pixabay

Remember how METRO hoped sunglass-wearing elephants would make riders keep an eye out for terrorism?

Well, METRO’s marketing department had another brainstorming session, and the end result is topiary bunnies to make riders think of the (not-so) Quickline bus service:

They are topiary bunnies designed to catch your eye and remind you of our new Quickline Signature bus service – the 402 Quickline Bellaire – we are launching June 1.


Each bunny has its own sprinkler head built in it – and that sprinkler taps into our existing sprinkling system at the TMC Transit Center. The large ones weigh at least 200 pounds and are anchored into the ground.

JoAnne Lingenfelter, manager of marketing at METRO, came up with the idea of planting topiary bunnies to market our new Quickline service.

“It was something different, something kind of fun – and something most people wouldn’t object to,” said Lingenfelter.


The 402 QL Bellaire will feature bus shelters with up-to-the-minute next bus arrival info, improved lighting and better benches. The buses will be hybrid diesel-electric and will sport high-end interiors.

The cost to ride? Just $1.25 – the same price as local buses.

Enjoy the bunnies….and get ready for our fast-as-bunnies Quickline service coming next month.

Well, maybe next month. METRO hasn’t exactly been able to keep to the Bellaire Quickline timetable IT set more than a year ago:

Metro had been advertising the Aug. 25 launch — and painted large, circular logos into the pavement along the Bellaire Boulevard route.

There was no notification, though, of the delays


Bellaire City Councilman Will Hickman was one Bellaire rider who tried to use the new service. Instead, Hickman complained at last week’s City Council meeting, he ended up on the old Bellaire No. 2 bus to the Medical Center.

It wasn’t the sleek, swift ride he had expected. Hickman complained that it took him more than an hour to get to work.

When he finally got to his office, Hickman said he checked Metro’s website. Sure enough, it said the Quickline service was scheduled to fly.

Metro updated its website Tuesday morning, announcing the new service was “coming soon.”

That’s our METRO!

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About Anne Linehan 2323 Articles
Anne Linehan is a co-founder of blogHOUSTON.