Houston political observers were still buzzing on Monday night after a last-minute entrant into the mayoral race surged to a huge lead in the latest public polling.
Candidate Don’t Know, who had hinted at entering the race earlier in the year, only to back away from such plans during the summer, would easily coast to victory if the mayoral race were held today, according to a KHOU-11/KUHF-88.7 poll conducted by Bicyclist Bob Stein:
Poll of Likely Voters in Houston Mayoral Race (08/30/2009)
69.2% Don’t Know
13.2% Annise Parker
09.6% Gene Locke
05.2% Peter Brown
02.8% Roy MoralesMargin of error: 4.5%; Source: KHOU-11/KUHF-88.7
A spokesperson for the Don’t Know campaign said on Monday night that the candidate was enthusiastic about his commanding lead after a last-minute entry into the race: “It’s astounding and flattering that we are so far ahead in this race, what with our late announcement and all. We believe it justifies our decision to enter the race after the three major contenders failed to distinguish themselves all summer long. We look forward to continuing to take a message other than ‘me too!’ all across this fine city and building on our lead!”
The Peter Brown campaign announced that they would be unveiling a plan for more television ads sometime next week, when the councilmember returns from his vacation in France.
City Controller Annise Parker tweeted that her campaign disputes the numbers, and that their internal polling shows that she is much more competitive against Don’t Know.
The Gene Locke campaign reminded three bloggers at a hastily called Social Media Happy Hour that Locke has more endorsements from important organizations than any candidate, including Don’t Know.