NEWS BROKE FROM VARIOUS SOURCES yesterday that METRO has been barred by court order from destroying public records requested by former city controller Lloyd Kelley, and two METRO attorneys who reportedly objected to the destruction of public records are no longer employed by the organization (KRIV-26, KHOU-11, KTRK-13, Chronicle).
As reported by the Chronicle, METRO chief Frank “Procurement Disaster” Wilson said, “I’m not sure there was anything sinister about it … It may be very innocent and very coincidental.”
Right! And we are sure METRO’s “internal investigation” will reflect Wilson’s perspective.
As a refresher, here are some fibs told by METRO executives in the past:
David Wolff: “We are transparent. We are accountable. Those who say we are not are not well informed….”
Frank Wilson: “We operate the METRO organization in a completely transparent manner.”
We certainly hope that Mayor Parker has seen enough from this crew to make some significant changes at this rogue public agency.
BLOGVERSATION: Harris County Almanac, Musings, TBIFOC.
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