Month: February 2010
Pot, meet kettle
HOUSTON’S VILLAGE VOICE CORPORATE ALT-WEEKLY discusses the Chronicle‘s latest foray into nonprofessional content. As Cory Crow points out, the Press does have some knowledge about amateurish dreck posing as journalism. MORE: Mike McGuff.
Big Jolly Politics: Terry Lowry Watch (update)
DAVID JENNINGS has updated his list of “candidates that enable Terry Lowry to distort records, spread rumors, and give false teachings about the Bible.” RELATED: Your Philosophy Sucks.
Harris County Almanac: Underwear optional
DID CORY CROW spot a wardrobe malfunction on earlier? It certainly seems that way.
Houston’s best metro writer on the Miles/Edwards “blood feud” rematch
SLAMPO turns his attention to the “blood feud” rematch race for HD 146 between Borris Miles and Al Edwards.