
Iceberg? What iceberg?

SS CHRON PRIORITIES: Editor Dwight Silverman conducts an in-house class on “advanced Twitter usage.” Editor Kyrie O’Connor attends but gets distracted analyzing what the men in the room are wearing. Apparently, this is not a


Slampo on The Good Life (Part Two)

SLAMPO recounts his conversation with the Chronicle‘s erratic features editor, Kyrie O’Connor, over the newspaper’s new “The Good Life” gambit, which he posted about previously. That man deserves some sort of Blogurbatin’-hazardous-duty pay (or at


Say it ain’t so, Unca

YESTERDAY, UNCA DARRELL skewered the Chronicle editorial board, as he is wont to do on his intelligent blog. Today, he announced that he’s shutting things down. Unless he’s becoming the Chron‘s conservative staff columnist (right!),