Chron ed board: Rah Rah establishment (whoever they are today)

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HERE is the conclusion to a recent Chron editorial:

It will take time to change Metro’s internal culture while altering its public image of executive arrogance and unresponsiveness. The new team has the right priorities and the right talk. We hope that with all possible speed they can turn that talk into reality.

It’s the sort of establishment cheerleading (and complete amnesia regarding their cheerleading for the previous corrupt leadership) that we’ve come to expect from America’s Worst Big City Daily.

As a reminder, this is the same editorial board that all but screeched to the new Mayor-elect back in December to keep her hands of METRO (exact headline: Full plate: With a plethora of pressing issues, the new mayor should tread lightly on Metro). Thankfully, Mayor Parker ignored them (like most Houstonians do) and replaced the corrupt leadership at the organization, without any support at the time from America’s Worst Big City Daily (indeed, quite the opposite).

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About Kevin Whited 4306 Articles
Kevin Whited is co-founder and publisher of blogHOUSTON. Follow him on twitter: @PubliusTX